Cancel a Pending Payment

How Do I...

View the status of a payment?

Make a payment?

Make multiple payments?

Add a payment source for a specific tax account?

Add a payment source at the taxpayer-level?

Withdraw a pending request?

If a payment request has not yet been processed, you can cancel the pending payment.


Where Do I Start?

Depending on which window you are already on, you may need to click the following hyperlink in the menu bar on the left side of the window:


What Do I Do?

  1. On the Accounts tab, view the My Accounts sub-tab.

  2. Click the account ID hyperlink for the account for which you want to cancel a pending payment.

  3. Click the Requests tab, then click the Waiting to be Processed tab.

  4. Click the title hyperlink for the payment you want to cancel.

  5. Click Withdraw.

  6. Click Confirm to confirm that you do want to cancel the payment.