Change an Existing Return

How Do I...

File a return?

View the details of an existing return?

View the status of a return?

Work with unfinished returns?

Print the details of an existing return?

Troubleshoot printing a return?

Withdraw a pending return request?

Make a payment?

Add access to another tax account?

Depending on the type of tax account, you may be able to change, or amend, a return after it is filed.


Where Do I Start?

Depending on which window you are already on, you may need to click the following hyperlink in the menu bar on the left side of the window:


What Do I Do?

  1. On the Accounts tab, view the My Accounts sub-tab.

  2. Click the account ID hyperlink for the account containing the return whose details you would like to change.

  3. Depending on whether the period still needs attention or is complete, you can:

  4. Click the View/Amend hyperlink for the return you wish to change. The return details are displayed.

  5. Click Amend to change the return details.

Note: If the return cannot be amended, Amend is not displayed.

  1. The fields in the window become editable. Make changes to the return as necessary.

  1. After you have made your changes: