How Do I... |
Use this window to schedule a payment.
If you already have a default bank account set up for this tax account, that information is displayed in the bank account fields on this window.
If you want to pay with another bank account that is already saved to your profile, you can click the Choose existing bank account hyperlink.
If you want to manually enter in new bank account information, click the New Payment Source hyperlink.
Bank Account Type: Use the drop-down arrow to select the bank account type (Checking or Savings).
Routing Number: Enter in the bank routing (transit) number. (This is the first set of numbers shown at the bottom of your check.)
Account Number: Enter the bank account number. (This is the second set of numbers shown at the bottom of your check.)
Account Number Confirm: Re-enter your bank account number.
Save this Bank Information (hyperlink): Select this hyperlink if you are adding in new bank account information that you want to save to your profile.
Payment Date: Enter the date for which you want to schedule the payment.
Payment Amount: Enter the amount of the payment.
Password: You may be required to enter your password.
After you have entered in all of the relevant payment information, click the Submit button in the menu bar on the left side of the window to schedule your payment.