How Do I... |
Add a third-party access logon? Change the access type or active status of a logon? Change the access level of a logon? Allow/disallow additional logons? |
There are two ways to create logons: 1) Activate using the standard authentication process; or 2) Create additional logons using the logon management tools accessible by the Master logon. This topic describes how to use the logon management tools. Click here to learn more about adding another logon using the standard authentication process.
Where Do I Start?
Depending on which window you are already on, you may need to click one or both of the following hyperlinks in the menu bar on the left side of the window:
Manage My Web Profile
What Do I Do?
Under the I want to heading, click the Manage Logons tab.
Click the Logons sub-tab.
Click the Add Logon hyperlink in the Logons title bar beneath the tabs.
Complete the appropriate fields in the window.
Click Submit. A confirmation message window is displayed.
An authorization code will be sent for the logon via e-mail. The logon will need this authorization code for the first logon.