Add a Payment Source for a Specific Tax Account

How Do I...

Make a payment?

Make multiple payments?

Edit a payment source for a specific tax account?

Delete a payment source for a specific tax account?

Add a payment source at the taxpayer level?

Edit a payment source at the taxpayer level?

Delete a payment source at the taxpayer level?

You can add a payment source for a specific tax account that can only be used to pay debt on the designated tax account.


The following steps show how to add a payment source for a specific tax account.


Click here to see instructions for adding a payment source at the taxpayer level (that can be used to pay on any of your tax accounts).


Where Do I Start?

Depending on which window you are already on, you may need to click the following hyperlink in the menu bar on the left side of the window:


What Do I Do?

  1. On the My Bank Accounts tab, verify that the Account Payment Sources sub-tab is selected. Locate the tax account that you want to set up a payment source for and click the Setup hyperlink for that tax account.

  2. Complete the fields on this window.

  3. Click Save.