Allow/Disallow Additional Logons

How Do I...

Understand logons?

Add a new logon?

Add a third-party access logon?

Change the access type or active status of a logon?

Change the access level of a logon?

Allow/disallow third-party logons?

Set default access levels for new logons?

Additional logons can be created to allow persons you designate to have access to your accounts. Additional logons are usually created for members of your company or organization who are involved in viewing, filing, or paying taxes for your organization.

You can change whether you want to allow or disallow the creation of additional logons at any time. Note that this setting does not affect logons that have already been created.

Where Do I Start?

Depending on which window you are already on, you may need to click one or both of the following hyperlinks in the menu bar on the left side of the window:


What Do I Do?

  1. Click the Manage Logons tab.

  2. If it is not displayed by default, select the Settings sub-tab.

Note: If you do not see the Settings sub-tab, then you do not have permissions to allow or disallow additional logons.

  1. If New Logons Allowed is set to Yes, other logons for this taxpayer can be created. If it is set to No, new logons cannot be created. Click the Yes or No hyperlink to toggle between the two options.