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Add a third-party access logon? Change the access type or active status of a logon? Change the access level of a logon? Allow/disallow additional logons? |
A logon is the combination of username and password that a user enters to log on to work with his or her tax accounts.
One taxpayer entity may have multiple logons. For example, if several employees of an organization need to access a company's tax accounts, each employee will have his or her own unique logon.
An organization may also allow non-employees, such as accountants, tax preparers, or payroll service providers, to access the organization's tax accounts. These non-employees would each have their own unique logon. Non-employee logons for a taxpayer are called third-party logons. Click here to learn more about third-party logons.
When you first register, your logon is created. The first user for a company or organization that registers is given the access type of Master. (Only one logon for a taxpayer can have the Master access type.) The logon designated as Master can control access for other logons created for the taxpayer, as well as authorize any third-party access.