Set Default Access Levels for New Logons

How Do I...

Understand logons?

Add a new logon?

Add a third-party access logon?

Change the access type or active status of a logon?

Change the access level of a logon?

Allow/disallow additional logons?

Allow/disallow third-party logons?

Where Do I Start?

Depending on which window you are already on, you may need to click one or both of the following hyperlinks in the menu bar on the left side of the window:


What Do I Do?

  1. Click the Manage Logons tab. This tab shows the rules that apply to all additional logons that are created for the taxpayer.

  2. If it is not displayed by default, select the Settings sub-tab. (Note: If you do not see the Settings sub-tab, then you do not have permissions to set default access levels for new logons.)

  3. You set default access levels for new logons and for third-party logons the same way. Click the hyperlink next to either of these items.

  4. A Change Default window opens.

  5. Click the blue drop-down arrow in the Default field to select a new default access level.

Note: The access level for a specific logon can be changed at any time by the designated Master logon.

  1. Click Save.