How Do I... |
Add a third-party access logon? Change the access type or active status of a logon? Change the access level of a logon? Allow/disallow additional logons? |
An organization may allow non-employees, such as accountants, tax preparers, or payroll service providers, to access the organization's tax accounts. These non-employees would each have their own unique logon. Non-employee logons for a taxpayer are called third-party logons.
You must specifically allow third-party logons on your accounts. Click here for instructions on how to allow third-party access. A third party will use his or her own unique logon and will be able to view all accounts to which he or she has access via the single logon.
The Master logon has complete control over the level of access a third party has to your tax accounts. Each account has an independent access level that can be set for each third-party logon. The following access can be granted for third-party logons:
File – Allowed to view account information and file returns
Pay – Allowed to view account information and make payments
File & Pay – Allowed to view account information, file returns, and make payments
View – Only allowed to view account information
Full Access – Allowed the same access as the Master logon, with the exception of managing the web profile of the Master account
Yes. A message will be sent to the Master account anytime a change is made to your third party settings or if a third party adds access to your account(s).